Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Small Trick in Setting Local YUM Repository

I wanted to setup local yum repository for further installation, but I found it has a little problem:

FC6's DVD was mounted on /media/FC_6 i386 DVD, so I put "baseurl=file:///media/FC_6 i386 DVD" in /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-core.repo. However, I found an error below when I yum something:

"Options Error: Error parsing 'file:///media/FC_6 i386 DVD/': URL must be http, ftp, file or https not ""


The reason is the spaces. After I changed "FC_6 i386 DVD" to "FC_6%20i386%20DVD", the local YUM repository works well.

Setup Your Own YUM Server's Group Functionality

According to Fedora Core installation manual, we can setup our own YUM server on our internal network to provide installation or updating service to save bandwidth.

There are several ways, such as http, ftp or nfs. In the http case, we copy the file hierarchy to /var/www/http, and createrepo/repoview. Then ensure httpd is up, you can yum install the packages from the server. However, I found "yum grouplist" doesn't work. After I checked createrepo manual, I found I have to create group information. Then copy a "comps.xml" to my repodata directory, and #createrepo -g repodata/comps.xml, and now the group functionality works.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

MySQL's Log

MySQL's logs works when using the command options (mysqld_safe --log --log-bin). However, I found if I put "log" or "bin-log" at bottom of the file my.cnf, the MySQL's log does not work.

Check manuals - "mysqld_safe" and "mysqld", there are some different groups in my.cnf. "mysqld_safe" reads options from [mysqld], [mysql.server] and [mysql_safe], so put log, bin-log, etc. in [mysqld], and the logs write to log files in "datadir".

If you want to put logs in your /var/log directory, make sure the files are writable by user "mysql", or just create a directory whose owner is mysql.


SugarCRM 4.5.0f's bugs:

1. No matter the "memory_limit" in php.ini is not enough, the installation always tell us the configuration is correct;
2. Administration -> System -> Backup does a recursive backup, so the zip package always includes the previous backups.

when you find installation stopping before creating database, please check your httpd log, and find a reasonable value for "memory_limit" in /etc/php.ini. When you need upgrade your SugarCRM, you have to change all the files' owner to the "Web User", and increase the "post_max_size" and "upload_max_filesize" value in /etc/php.ini.